Are you up for the water challenge?

Written by Jimmy Taylor


Posted on April 09 2020

Do you have headaches, a sore tummy, feeling tired, suffering from constipation? Have you considered that you are not drinking enough water (or equivalent)?

Did you know that if you are exclusively breastfeeding you produce on average 700ml of milk a day?! This can be higher if the weather is warm or baby is going though a growth spurt or is poorly and off their food (if weaned).
Your body produces this milk from the things you eat and drink and so you need to make sure you are getting enough fluids and extra calories to support your body in this amazing task. We often hear about the 300-500 extra calories needed per day, but often forget about our additional water requirements. A normal adult should be having 2 litres of fluids a day but for a breastfeeding mum this should be closer to 3 litres!!

Please also note that more fluids does not mean more breastmilk unless you are severely dehydrated.

Want to step up to our water challenge…. It is easy enough to do!!


Our water bottle is an average sized bottle and holds 700ml of water (will be less depending how much you put in the infusion) and you need to drink at least 3 of these per day! I would suggest one full bottle in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening /night plus other drinks with meals. Our bottles have a handy chart on it to help you out, but any similar sized bottle would work. The best thing to do is to listen to your body and drink when you need to, but this is a useful reminder and helps you to commit to making YOU a priority.

Like any challenge or target you set yourself you are more likely to carry it out if you share your target with others as a form of accountability. I definitely need to be drinking more water – I will be sharing my goals with you, what I am putting in my infusion and letting you know how I get on. I would like to invite you to do the same and tag Stylish Mum or #stylishmumclub and let me know ‘I am up for the water challenge’. Help keep me motivated and in return I will be issuing some special surprises for those who take part  check out my progress via Facebook in Instagram.

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